This is the case film for my 3D website. I have been working so hard and now I am really tired but happy!
söndag 24 januari 2010
This is my present project in school. We are about creating a website for ourselves, and this is the beginnig of mine. It's so fun, I do not want to sleep, just work!! It will be presentation at friday, then you will see more of it.
torsdag 21 januari 2010
Once again my suit case town. I was at Forum för levande historia and took some photos because the exibition is soon going on its tour through Sweden.
Yesterday was a brown-beige day (as my stocking and shoes, but these I really like), everything went in the opposite way that I wished, but I looked in my old drawers and found my lionleum cuts I did around 4–5 years ago, it was like a little traveling in time and mind.
lördag 16 januari 2010
Today I am at home making a lot of food and cutting out in paper, a glorious day, and my orchid is flowering as never before! My plan is to send the paper cut to a competition. I have never be attending in a competiton before, but may be this time. Before christmas, we had a work in school, to study a manifest of an artist/architect... and I looked at Bruce Mau's "Incomplete manifesto for growth" – I love it, but he is telling "Don't enter awards competitions. Just don't. It's not good for you." And may be he's right... Tomorrow, me and Richard will be document our works with our new camera(so fun!) so we can make our portfolies.
Me, my dear and my family was last week in Berlin, visiting my uncle, who just has become a father! It were several fantastic and inspire days. One day, I hope my street address will be a part of Berlin! Tschüss!