måndag 15 mars 2010

Here are some sketches I've done this evening, about kindergarten and the longing for mother.

13 kommentarer:

Working in a legend sa...

gud vad fina!!

Fideli sa...

tack dianado! Jag älskar att du svarar så snabbt! Hoppas allt är bra, tankar från mig till dig!

Elisabeth sa...

Fint. Jag är nyfiken på mer teckningar av dig!

Kylie sa...

These are just wonderful :) K

Miriam sa...

Wonderful. As a mother of a little girl I can say, these perfectly express the longing for mother or the other way round for child! MiMa

Miriam sa...

addition: Would it be okay for you presenting your scetches on my blog? xx, MiMa

Fideli sa...

Thanks! Yes, of course you can!

Miriam sa...

Great! I will you inform you when I post about your scetches (in a few days). xx, MiMa

Miriam sa...

Dear Fideli, today I have posted about your scetches. http://fraumima.blogspot.com/2010/03/kunststuck-longing-for-mother.html

xx, MiMa

Sara Magdalena sa...

Sitter här med Onsdagsvin i handen & blir varm i hjärtat, och det är inte pågrundav vinet. Det här var fint!

Dolores sa...

so nice, girl you are soo talented!!!

red road studio sa...

Lovely work - have highlighted you here - http://alifelighter.blogspot.com/2010/05/fideli-sundqvist.html
hope you don't mind! Jay

Anonym sa...

Wonderful illustrations! Thanks for sharing them...